12 Best Web Development Tools For 2022 – A webmaster’s toolkit
To be more productive as a webmaster in 2019, these tools listed out here wiil definitely help a lot. They are the exact web development tools you’ll find inside any professional webmaster’s toolkit. Actually, these tool will always be relevant to use at any time ‘cos they are evergreen webmaster tools.
I’m going to make this straight and easy to read through. So, grab a popcorn, relax, and pick out your working tools for 2019 webmaster activities.
The Best web development tools
Below are the limitless/timeless tools to test run your codes at critical stages of development. A developer may never be efficient without using the required tools. These tools help a lot in debugging codes, set automation, and increase productivity. They equally save up more time.
Text Editors
These are important tools because they are where you write the codes of everything you do. There are lots of them anyway but I recommend Sublime Text, Visual Studio, and Notepad ++.
1. Sublime Text
Sublime is a top-rated text/code editor with superior features. It is built with a super-efficient, user-friendly interface. This is arguably the most popular and equally the best editor to use for website development.
Most developers use this editor due to its versatile keyboard shortcuts. These keyboard shortcuts help to save some few seconds in every minute spent writing a code. If you’re a developer that spends hours, then, the sublime text editor would definitely be of help.
2. Visual Studio
The Microsoft Visual Studio is also among the text editors for use in web development. It is an integrated development environment from the reputable Microsoft Corporation. A good percentage of developers prefer to use Visual Code because it is fancier.
Visual Studio A.K.A VS is a solid option to use in writing programming codes and for use in developing websites. Applications, softwares, etc are also written with this editor. In decades to come, VS will still be much effective and may take over Sublime Text even.
3. Notepad++
Notepad++ is an open-source code editor with support for several programming languages. It runs on MS Windows environment with extensive support for developers. An interesting feature of this web development tool is the tabbed editing support.
However, this will is great for advanced programming or development. It is only perfect for small static websites.
4. Web Browsers Development Tools
Popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and IE (Edge) are compatible with various website development tools. These tools are available as add-ons on these browsers. Depending on your favorite web browser, you can easily install useful web development tools to it. However, there are inbuilt tools on these web browsers that are very effective and helpful to web developers.
Web browsers development tools will never die off as long as the browser is still in use. It is one of the infinity developer tools to use in this profession. Some browsers like Google’s Chrome update its developer tools every 6 weeks.
For existing websites, web browsers development tools are efficient because they allow you to debug your codes in real-time. So, you can easily fix errors on the front end without much stress.
5. React Native
With a React Native app, you could develop any kind of application, including a “hybrid app”. This is a JS framework which utilizes Facebook’s React JavaScript library. One important reason why most developers use React Native is that it is consistently updated to accommodate new versions of JavaScript.
It also went on to support hot reloading. React Native utilizes the same fundamental User Interface building blocks as even iOS & Android applications. It is equally intuitive to use in developing.
6. GitHub
Sometimes it is good to work with a team of other web developers. Web development is not likely a one man’s assignment. You may get stuck at a point and need the help of other experts to get through, this is where GitHub comes through.
GitHub gathers web developers from all around the world into a community where they can share useful information to develop functional websites, app or softwares. It is a cloud hosting service for version control utilizing Git.
The rich open-source development community of GitHub is at this time, second to none. Sooner than we may think, most clients will seek for web developers based on GitHub.
7. AngularJS
This tool is best for developers working on single-page apps or website. It is operated by Google and some other community members as a JavaScript- centered open-source front-end framework. AngularJS provides developers with some feature that they cannot find in HTML.
Angular JS is a web development tool relevant for developing/designing full-functioning applications or even websites.
8. Database Tools
A Database tool is very essential in web development. It is one of the tools you can’t do away with as a developer. In a simple sentence, a database is a platform where all the files and codes of an application or website are hosted into. The data in a database can be accessed at any time and can be further edited.
There are so many database tools available for web developers but the most common (popular) one is MySQL. Others include MariaDB, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL.
9. Task Runners
Also, these set of tools are important to a developer as they help to automate frequent tasks. In developing a website, you’ll be face to loads of frequent tasks like minifying JS and the likes. Task runners are the best developer tools for handling these types of tasks. They help to automate activities such as the compression of JavaScript files or compilation of TypeScript files. Even so, they help to build and combine frequent tasks so that you develop faster and more accurately.
Similar to them are Package managers that keep a record of all the packages you use while working on a project. Package managers watch over your packages to see if they are the latest versions you need. Some of the most common task runners/package managers include gulp, grunt, web pack, npm, bower.
10. Muuri
Muuri is a utility JavaScript layout engine for creating any kind of responsive grid layouts. It is perfect for developing personal blog pages. Most interestingly, it allows you to sort the girds you create, filter them, or even drag and drop them. It is a front-end web development tool, very easy to use and available to all developers.
11. Collaborative developer tools
Working collectively breeds astonishing results. So web developers utilize some tools and platforms get in touch with their team members and share useful information. A great development team always gets in touch with team members to increase productivity between them.
These collaborative tools even allow for remote developing. Webmasters utilize some of these tools to stay in touch with all other team members. Among all the tools for developer’s collaboration, slack is on the forefront.
Slack is a set of exclusive team collaboration tools plus services. It is the abbreviation for “Searchable Log of All Conversation & Knowledge. However, many developers do not even know the full phrase as it is popularly known with its acronym “Slack”.
12. Stack Overflow
This is so far the biggest, most reliable online community for developers of all kinds to improve on their skills and meet with other developers. It allows its users to share their knowledge on several things in other help amateurs and even build their careers. Stack Overflow is primarily written in C# programming language.
Wrap Up
Whether you’re a front-end developer designing with wordpress of a full stack developer, these tools will really be of help. Also, I’m inviting any webmaster that reads this article to contribute his/her best tool by commenting below. This list will be updated often and on to contain relevant suggestions from other webmasters as these are just my picks.
Originally posted on August 10, 2019 @ 7:34 pm
Dreamweaver , I’ll prefer that to sublime txt or Note pad + + , that’s one App to do the job of two ?
Yeah, it is indeed a great app.
I’ll consider adding it when next I’d update this post