8 different ways to increase your maximum file upload limit on a wordpress site
Are you looking for a way to increase your maximum file upload limit on a WordPress site? Here are 8 different ways to increase your maximum upload file limit on WordPress.
When you have a WordPress website, it is obvious you’ll be uploading files every now and then. Sometimes you’ll notice that there a limit to the size of files you can upload on your site and you’ll start looking for a way to increase the limit. An example is if you are limited to 10MB file upload size on WordPress, it means, you cannot upload files more than 10MB of size.
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How to increase your maximum file upload limit on a WordPress site
These methods might not work on some shared hosting servers. So, if you tried any of these methods and it didn’t work, you should contact your hosting company to resolve the issue.
1. Editing your theme functions file
Adding some certain codes to your functions.php can help to increase your limit size. Most people have tried this method and confirmed it turned out helpful.
Copy and paste the code below into your functions.php after the last line.
1. @ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' );
2. @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M');
3. @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );
The above code will likely increase your maximum file upload size to 64MB; you can choose any other limit level.
2. Create or edit an existing php.ini file
This method requires a good knowledge of handling files and folders on the root folder of your hosting account cpanel dashboard. Search out to see if there’s an existing php.ini file and modify it by adding the following code below.
If there is no existing php.ini file, you can create one and enter the code below.
1. upload_max_filesize = 64M
2. post_max_size = 64M
3. max_execution_time = 300
3. Create or Edit your .Htaccess
Also, by editing your .htaccess file you can likely increase your maximum file upload. This file contains important codes/configurations about your WordPress site. Sometimes, some host providers keep this file hidden. So, you have to activate the “Show Hidden Files” option to view this .htaccess file. It is located in the root folder of your cpanel file manager.
Click on this file and enter the code below;
php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
php_value post_max_size 64M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300
4. Built-in Hosting Feature
Some hosting servers provide their customers with an inbuilt feature to increase their file upload limit. So, if you are lucky to host your WordPress website on such host servers, then, you can easily achieve this without adding or edit any code on your website.
This method seems to be the best because for someone who does not have a knowledge of codes might end up damaging his/her website files.
5. MultiSite WordPress Website
If you are running a multisite WordPress website, you can increase your maximum upload size via your multisite settings menu. Note; you cannot increase your maximum upload size to exceed the allocated size offer to you by your server host.

6. Using a Verified Plugin
To save you from tampering with important codes that make up your website, you can simply use a verified WordPress plugin. Plugins are handy and very easy to use; almost everyone can effectively activate and set up a plugin in a WP website.
The plugin that allows you to do this is called “Increase Maximum Upload FileSize”. Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on the plugins option, then select add new and search for the plugin using this keyword “Increase Maximum Upload FileSize”. When you have installed the plugin, go on to activate it.
On your wp dashboard click on this plugin row, then set your maximum file upload limit to any value of your choice. You are only allowed to enter the value in bytes; so, if you want to set your limit to 64MB, you’d have to enter the value in bytes which is 67108864
Click on “Save Changes” once you’re done to affect the settings.
7. Editing the wp-config file
For some users, this method worked for them. It requires you adding some certain codes into the wp-config file on your Cpanel file manager root folder.
Access your WP website files using FTP or your server file manager and add the following codes
@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' );
@ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M');
@ini_set( 'memory_limit', '64M' );
or check if you’d see a code line with WP_Memory_Limit and increase the value you see there.
8. Reach out to your Hosting Support
If you tried all these methods listed here and your maximum upload limit did not increase, try to contact your host server support center and see if the problem is as a result of the package you paid for. Sometimes it may be that the limit you see is the climax you are assigned to use due to the hosting package you paid for.
Things that can reduce the maximum file upload size on your WordPress website.
There are certain actions or plugins that are capable of reducing the maximum file upload size on your WP site. An example is using file manager plugins or optimizer plugins – these set of plugins restricts you from uploading large files to your website. While this somehow helpful as it will help to reduce bugging or slowing down your server, it is sometimes frustrating; imagine you want to add a tutorial video to a DIY article only to discover that you’re limited to just 8MB of file upload size.
Wrap Up:
These are the whole available methods which you can use to increase your maximum file upload limit on a wordpress site. Do you know of any other helpful method not listed here? We’d love to know about it. Kindly share it with us and other readers via the comment section below.
Originally posted on August 19, 2019 @ 12:44 am
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