Poll: Mozilla vs Chrome vs Other PC web Browsers which is the best?
Vote your opinion on this – Mozilla or Chrome or other PC browsers, which do you prefer? but before you go ahead to vote, read up about these browsers first.
Moreso, it works on all platforms (Mobile, Mac, Apple, Android, Windows, Linux, etc). Firefox is one of the best PC web browsers so far with lots of positive reviews to back it up.
Google Chrome PC web browser is a direct alternative to Mozilla firefox; it also comes with a smart homepage plus easy navigation. It is simple web browser with support for new web-code standards.
Google has dominated alot of tech catgories and they’re working real hard to also dominate the web content consuming softwares. Chrome is also available across all platforms and accesses the internet with a very fast speed.]
This poll is been created to complement an offline survey, your contribution is extremely needed so as to come out with a perfect result when the survey time ellapses.
How to vote?
Carefully select Mozilla or Chrome by clicking on the little circle beside any of the option, then hit the vote button.
[yop_poll id=”1″]
The results from this POLL will be announced on April 4th, 2018, check back to know if your preferred browser won the campaign 😎
Originally posted on March 3, 2018 @ 2:07 am