6 Signs Your Computer Has Been Hacked and Possible Solutions
So, how can you tell if your computer has been hacked? The effects of hacking are not always apparent, at least for the first weeks. But some scenarios can depict that your system has been compromised. Thus, this article is for informative purposes, and it tries to cover the most significant checks to track PC hacking. Here are the possible signs your PC has been compromised.
6 Signs Your Computer Has Been Hacked
1. You start seeing new programs you didn’t install
Obviously, you know the programs you installed on your PC and the apps you use on a daily basis. So, when you start seeing some new software apps that you didn’t actually install on your computer – you should run a comprehensive check to ascertain how the apps got into your PC.
Sometimes, this can occur when you click on unknown links on the internet. Some links can install spying apps on your computer without your information.
Install iOrbit Uninstaller 9 and get rid (uninstall) of those new apps you didn’t install. You can still uninstall the apps/programs from the control panel if you don’t want to install a 3rd party app. However, the benefit of using iOrbit Uninstaller is that it will help to delete every single file/registry of the unknown app(s).
2. Opening of Unknown websites
Yes, this can be a daredevil sign; you discover that when you’re browsing the internet, your browser keeps opening new tabs on its own. Well, some websites serve pop-up ads, but when this is not normal for you, it could be that your PC has been hacked.
You are trying to open one website, but the browser is opening some other unknown websites with a lot of advertisements? Don’t take this too lightly; you need to act.
Install antivirus software and scan your computer for malware, spyware, adware, or Trojan. Just scan and remove all forms of viruses the antivirus app detected.
3. Spam and Phishing emails or advertisements
Phishy emails have always been the easiest way hackers gain access to people’s computers. Certainly, you’ll always notice that you receive emails from spammy addresses, and you begin to wonder how they got your email? Well, thanks to those deceptive site owners who promised to secure our data, but end up exposing them.
When you see messages or ads such as “Congratulations, You have won,” or mostly things about lottery, simply ignore. If you click on them, you may have likely granted a hacker/phisher remote access to your PC.
Ignore such emails and ads. Well, unless you’re a wager or a lottery player. But just know it’s at your risk.
4. Sluggish Network
There are many signs your computer has been hacked, of which unusual sluggish network can be one of them. When you start noticing that your network isn’t as fast as usual, then you should run a check. Sometimes it may be that the hacker is nearby – so he hacked your wifi and is now sharing your network. Although there’s a place to check the number of devices/computers connected to a wifi network, the figures aren’t always accurate.
Change your wifi password and install a bandwidth monitor program to track the usage. A hacker can use the netstat command to track and use your wifi secretly.
5. Webcam app
If you have a webcam app installed on your PC and you discover that it constantly switches off on its own, then you should check for hacks. A webcam is very sensitive; someone can use your webcam to track every single activity you do on PC, including your private life.
If possible, back up your data hard drive and format the computer using new Windows. Alternatively, you may install Advanced SystemCare Pro and monitor your PC activities.
6. Antivirus program uninstalls
Whenever a dark-guy hacks into your computer, he first blocks your antivirus program or firewall. If you somehow discover that your antivirus app stopped suddenly, then this could be a sign of a hack.
Run regular checks for malware and viruses and remove them. Also, be careful with your passwords.
What more?
How to know if you’ve been hacked? These six signs are the most prevalent signs you will see.
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Originally posted on May 31, 2020 @ 9:35 pm