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Intelligent Character Recognition – ICR Apps Goes Beyond OCR

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Intelligent Character Recognition, ICR is the advanced version of OCR (Optical Character Recognition), and it’s making waves. Today, ICR apps are widely used globally in various industries for scanning and document verification. It’s simply a smart extension of OCR with more specific functions.

ICR technology enables companies to identify multiple handwriting styles and fonts to validate the authenticity of forms, agreements, and other records by incorporating handwritings of authorized employees, senior-level executives, or those who are responsible for data entry and processing management.

It works with greater precision and can recognize even the slightest resemblance in writing styles. Undoubtedly, ICR is quite handy for industries that require a lot of paper-based work like carrying out surveys and collecting information from the sample population individually concerning products or events.

ICR vs. OCR: What’s The Difference(s)

ICR Apps - Intelligent Character Recognition

Both technologies work similarly – for document validation – but in different ways. There are a couple of differences between OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition).

  • OCR model captures and extract all present information imprinted on a document and convert it into plain text. While ICR examines the handwriting of scanned documents and confirms the authority. Unlike ICR, OCR cannot recognize the writing style in a document.
  • OCR cannot recognize multiple complicated fonts as ICR does, and ICR typically scans every single character in a document, while OCR doesn’t.
  • Usually, OCR is used by banks and large corporations for identity verification, while ICR is typically used for data entry and authority confirmation.
  • Due to the extensive and detailed functions of the ICR technology, it’s more expensive than the OCR model.

Put simply, an ICR app is more like an extension of OCR and works more specifically.

Although they cannot be really compared with each other as both have different purposes and features. It all points down to your needs. If there is a constant need of gathering feedback or data from the random sample population, then the absence of a systematic ICR app can not be afforded. 

Role of ICR App in Businesses

There are a number of scenarios where business entities of multiple industries can benefit from ICR technology. 

For instance, a firm is looking forward to diversifying its product line and wishes to collect opinions of the population before anything so in order to achieve that, the marketing team conducts a survey by distributing questionnaires in public and residential areas.

An ICR app can test the validity of collected data by making sure a bunch of questionnaires were not filled by the same person. Such tricks ruin all efforts and tamper the conclusion which gets easily avoided in the first place.

Similarly, it is used in the banking and corporate sectors to confirm whenever a certain transaction, reform, agreement, or contract has been put under effect, it was approved and acknowledged by the very person who is mentioned on paper.

Things to be remembered before deploying ICR App

  • The data entry and other types of forms must be structured to comply with optimal recognition of the app software.
  • There should be customized recognition templates for every field of all types of forms.
  • For form templates, specific data exports should be designed.

How does an ICR App work?

  • The documents to be scanned must not be folded, damaged, or unstapled, and overwriting should be avoided. 
  • The records go through an ultrafast scanner and get verified by the ICR app.
  • Each character in the written document is assigned a certain number called confidence value. 
  • The characters with lower confidence values fail to pass through verification. Once all adjustments are being made, results are forwarded to the associated authority and stored in the back office as well.


The ICR app holds great potential in EPM, validating the authenticity of the entire data entry, collection, and processing process. Other than OCR, it scans every character. It is equipped to study and learn infinite handwriting styles and works with complicated fonts, producing reliable and fast results.

Authors Bio

I’m James Watson and I am a contributor and technical content writer. I have expertise in the domain of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Fintech, Crypto, Finance and Business, etc.

Originally posted on April 20, 2022 @ 9:59 pm

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